Olo Silver

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wizard (4)
Subclass: Blade Singer
Titles: N/A
Backstory: Olo Silver is the scion of a banished captain of the Coronal Guard from Myth Drannor, formerly known as (the city of) Cormanthor, the City of Song, or the City of Love, and a widowed human woman from outside Neverwinter. Olo's mother and father fell in love where he worked on her farm they lived happily. After a quick and romantic summer, they conceived Olo. His father, a patron of literature, often wrote of his past and training in a series of journals he kept at the farm. One fateful night, bandits attacked the farmstead. Olo's father managed to drive them off but was mortally wounded in the melee. Fearing their return,  Olo's father bade his beloved wife and child to flee - he would remain and defend their home - although his pallor and complexion said otherwise. Death had touched him and soon the grim hand would be back to collect its mark. Olo's mother collected their meager possessions fled to seek refuge within the great walls of Neverwinter.

With little wealth and the quiet solace of their farmstead lost, they lived an impoverished life within the megalopolis of Neverwinter. Without adequate medical care, Olo's Mother died to a sickness which infested the Beggar's Den where they made their home. Orphaned and alone, Olo was forced to live on the streets as an urchin. The school of hard knocks taught him what he needed to survive as well as a few kind older orphans kind enough not to stick him and take what little he had. Olo had nothing but a locket with his parents portraits and his father's journals. He would spend his days begging and scrounging for food and his nights reading the journals as if they were ballads of the great knights and champions of the Storm Coast. He learned from them, as best as he could, and slowly his talents evolved from basic to scrapping to something resembling swordsmanship and sparring. Olo was eventually recognized by the local Thieves Guild, a chapter of the Zhentarim operating out of the city. With the offer of a warm bed and food, he was inducted into their rank. Fargrim "Three Hands" Tofan was the Chapter Master and the cunning gnome saw potential within Olo; potential to line his own pockets through the boy's aptitudes. Aligning him with some of his more experienced thieves, Three Hands ensured that Olo learned the thief-craft from the best. All the while, Olo continued his own tutelage through his father's posthumous instruction. Little did Olo known, he was actually training himself in the ways of the Blade Singer, an old and honorable craft of war within Elven culture.

 Now, in the year 1491 DR, Olo Silver stands a young Half Elf. With his mother's raven black hair and his father's silver eyes he stands as a tall and proud warrior. A single lock of platinum hair running down through his hair as earned him his surname of "Silver". With no family on his human side left alive, Olo has discovered within his father's journals of an elder brother and sister - a relic of Olo's father's long life. A budding resentment for his siblings who are both ignorant of his strife, Olo searches for them passively. To earn coin, the Blader Singer plies his craft to whomever will pay.


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