Minor Locations

There are hundreds of names on the maps, each representing a multitude of different possibilities, adventures, and experiences. These are a few which you have heard about in your travels.


This small village was sheltered within the forest edges and nestled in hills on the edge of the Dessarin. Conyberry consisted of a dozen or so houses clustered on the east side of Neverwinter Wood. The adjoining homesteads spread out to the east and south, divided by a small cart track leading to Triboar.

Cragmaw Castle

A semi-ruined castle in the Sword Mountains. It is believed the leader of the Cragmaw Goblins operates from this location.

Cragmaw Cave

An outpost of the Cragmaw Goblins and the den of the Cragmaw Warchief Klarg, a brutish bugbear. Sildar Hallwinter was taken to Cragmaw Cave following his capture on the Triboar Trail.

Fist of Scarwood

A remnant of the original Phandalin fortification line. It was erected in 900 DR by the dwarves of the Pact of Phandalin as part of a network of twelve watchtowers to surveil the Sword Mountains and protect their investment in Wave Echo Cave. It is the only remaining tower of the twelve in present day. The Fist of Scarwood, named for the Scarwood hill is it perched atop, provides a vantage over a valley within the Sword Mountains known as the Hotenow Cradle. A bigger version of it's siblings, the Fist was designed as the final bastion in the event of an incursion. Unfortunately the small garrison manning the towers were not prepared for an orc incursion of the orcs of Uruth Ukrpyt and their dark sorcerer supporters and they were quickly overwhelmed.

Krogar Grul

The orc war camp nestled in the Sword Mountains. The Orc Warchief, Xolkug the Unbroken, rallied the Orcs of the Nine Clans together. Krogar Grul, an orcish slang which roughly translates to "hill of bloodied steel", is little more than a collection of huts on a hill with a rough stockade of sharpened stakes around it. The sheer might of the orc horde gathering within though, is something to be concerned with.

Redwen Ferry

One of the larger ferry crossings over the Neverwinter River, the Redwen Ferry used to be one of the prime crossings to access the lands deeper into the Neverwinter forest. As the Triboar Trail became more popular, the Redwen Ferry saw less and less use. Eventually, the ferry master closed it down, shackled the large barge to the coast, and returned to Neverwinter in seek of work. In recent months, there was activity witnessed at the crossing though no one stayed long enough to investigate. It was rumoured a water hag or some other muck-dwelling creature had made a home of the area. The people of the Sword Coast knew well to avoid such things and the Redwen Ferry has remained abandoned ever since.


A small village near the place where the Neverwinter River emerges from Neverwinter Wood. Once, this was a prosperous community on the outskirts of the forest, wealthy from the work of its woodcutters and trappers. Then thirty years ago, the eruption of Mount Hotenow to the north devastated Thundertree. In the wake of the natural disaster, a plague of strange zombies swept over the area, killing or driving off those who survived the eruption. Though most of the zombies have long since crumbled to dust, strange magic permeating the area has mutated the local vegetation into new and dangerous forms. Few people dare to venture into the ruined village now, and those who do so seldom stay long. 

Triboar Trail

The Triboar Trail was a trail that ran from the town of Triboar through Conyberry, and stretching to the High Road on the coast. The region around it was also called the Triboar Trail.


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