Minor Companions

The world is full of many people, some good and some not so good. There are almost too many names to remember them all. This is a list of all the personages of note you have encountered in your journey so far.

Daran Edermath

A fit, silver-haired half-elf well over a hundred years old, is a retired adventurer who lives in a tidy little cottage beside an apple orchard in Phandalin. Daran was wounded during the Orc Raid on Phandalin in 1491 DR.

Elmar Barthen

Owner of Barthen's Provisions - the biggest trading post in Phandalin. Elmar is a lean and balding human male shopkeeper of fifty years with a kindly manner.

Halia Thornton 

Halia Thornton is a prominent businesswoman and politician in the village of Phandalin. Since the early days of the town's existence, Halia Thornton made her coin as the owner and manager of Phandalin's Miner Exchange, a place where prospectors can have their valuable finds weighed and sold for cash.

Harbin Wester

The current townmaster of Phandalin. Harbin Wester is a male human banker. Harbin was killed during the Orc Raid on Phandalin in 1491 DR.

Jadar Pime 

Warduke of the Lords' Alliance and Commander of the 5th Ocerix Lancers. Pime was a commanding officer in part of the Lords' Alliance Force dispatched from Neverwinter to assist in the pacification of the orcs of Krogar Grul.

Linene Graywind 

The master of the Phandalin Lionshields outpost - a merchant company based elsewhere. She is a sharp-tongued human woman of thirty-five.

Qelline Alderleaf

A wise female halfling of forty-five, Qelline Alderleaf is a pragmatic farmer who owns Alderleaf Farm. She seems to know everything that goes on in town. Qelline was killed during the Orc Raid on Phandalin in 1491 DR.

Sister Garaele

 A zealous young elf who maintains the only temple in Phandalin - a small shrine made of stones taken from the nearby ruins dedicated to Tymora, goddess of luck and good fortune.

Thel Dendrar

 A local woodcarver of Phandalin. Thel was recently found murdered in his shop following an altercation with the Redbrands. His wife and children are missing.

Toblin Stonehill

The proprietor of Stonehill Inn in Phandalin, Toblen is a short, friendly young human male. He is a native of the town of Triboar to the east. He came to Phandalin to prospect, but soon realized that he knew a lot more about running an inn than he did about mining. The new town offered a good opportunity to become established. His wife is named Trilena and he has a young son named Pip.

Torgad Seafist

A knight of the Lords' Alliance and a First Blade to the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Torgad has been a long time student warfare, strategy, and combat; rapidly excelling in his role as a knighted member of the Lords' Alliance. When Dwalin the All-Seer returned to Neverwinter, he made a report to the Lords' Alliance Outpost within the city on the developments within Phandalin. Torgad was dispatched with 50 men to investigate and provide whatever support was needed to the wayward Sildar Hallwinter. Torgad returned to Waterdeep to train the newly annointed Mazekk Tibbett as a Knight in the Lords' Alliance.


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