Wave Echo Cave

Wave Echo Cave was a great cavern complex within the Sword Mountains. The cavern was known for its mineral wealth as well as its magical properties. Wave Echo Cave was connected to an underground hot spring that continuously boiled near the cavern. The cavern got its name from the booming sounds created every time the waves crashed against the cavern. Within the cave network was the mine of Phandelver.

In 900 DR, the dwarves and gnomes of the Sword Mountain's made a pact, now known as the Phandelver's Pact, to share the mineral resources of Wave Echo Cave. The mine yielded a great bounty of treasure and all within the region grew rich, including the humans from the settlement of Phandalin. In 951 DR, the Orcs of Uruth Ukrpyt came from the north and laid waste to the regions. Under the command of mercenary wizards who lusted for the riches of Wave Echo Cave and its mines, they pillaged the Sword Mountains and fought brutal battles within the narrow clutches of the cave network. The human wizards of Phandalin fought beside the gnomes and dwarves to protect their boon. Although they fought valiantly, they were defeated. Unfortunately, all who actually knew the location of the mine had perished in the fighting, leaving Wave Echo Cave to fall out of knowledge and into the mists of legend.

The Lost of Mines of Phandelver were also rumored to have hosted the Forge of Spells.


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