Tennen Maldernen, The Unqualified Squire
Background: A young man from Baldur's Gate, Tennen Maldernen came into your company by accident. In an attempt to earn a night's lodging and some food, he put on an elaborate performance about your company and feigned a long lasting and deep connection as your personal bard. Unfortunately, this caused the villagers of Phandalin to surge to you as petitioners, all begging you assistance and forced the young bard into the service he have lied about only moments before. At Sildar's suggestion, his penance is to act as your Squire, a role which doesn't sit well with the unseemly youth but one that is enforced nonetheless. Although a free man, Sildar insists that if the young man were to depart your service he may happen to take a bad fall...onto a sword...multiple times.
Little is known about the man's past, other than the fact that he has some sort of bardic training but is no longer acting as such. He seems to be quite the performer but it curiously quiet about his past life.
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