Mazekk Tibbett

Race: Half-Orc
Class: Fighter (4)
Subclass: Eldritch Knight
Title: the Unwanted Embracer
Faction: Lords' Alliance (Rank 1 - Cloak)
Backstory: “The inn’s full.” “We’re closed.” “No half-breeds.” Mazekk was accustomed to an un-receptive world. Being half orc and half human was a difficult life, but his mixed ancestry was not the only thing odd about Mazekk. For starters, he was an orphan – abandoned by his father shortly after his birth. Mazekk was also very short by the standards of his breeding. Standing only 5’ 6”, his stature turned heads and puzzled onlookers. But what Mazekk lacked in height, he made up for in breadth. His frame was broad, and heavily muscled, and he did possess great strength. He also possessed the fiery rage of his orcish ancestors, and this manifested when he decided some unfortunate creature was his true enemy. This natural skillset, and a yearning for acceptance, led Mazekk to join his local militia and seek to win the acceptance of his people through service and sacrifice. But for all his martial prowess, Mazekk ultimately made a poor soldier. His keen intellect and critical mind often led him to question his orders and second guess his superiors. Though he would die for the soldiers at his side, he soon found himself unwelcome in the enlisted ranks. Wandering the world, looking for what work he can find, Mazekk is a puzzle people just don’t seem able to put together. This often means he is treated with coldness, if not outright hostility. Self-preservation has taught Mazekk to present himself as rough and distant, but deep down he wants to experience the feeling of belonging, and perhaps even family.


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