Excerpt From the Journal's of Urmon Boulderheart

Within Glasstaff's Laboratory a tome written in Ancient Dwarvish. The book is the journal of Urmon Boulderheart, a Dwarven Artificer working in the Forge of Spells during the time when the Phandelver Pact was alive and well. What appears to be a folded letter written on some animal hide is tucked between the pages. The letter is written in an Orcish dialect similar to the Urbaz war cant. Upon cursory analysis it appears to be an order for a weapon of some kind:

Urmon Boulderheart, great Blacksmith, warmaker, battle forger, and magic maker,

I am Skraelor son of Skroll, and I write to you at the behest of my War Chief, Tulag Kurz the Unscarred, War Chief  of the Nine Clans of Morgoth, Bloodsworn of the Lagetha Crones, and Battle Master of the Frozen Wastes. This great warleader has plundered and reaved the Northern Reaches and brough great honor to the Nine Clans. His prowess is unmatched in the North and even the Frost Drakes of the mountains flee before his horde. My Warchief now hungers for a challenge worthy of his power. In the far north of our lands the Giant Tribes of Ranglokh dwell. Their King is said to be as tall as thirty men and wields a great oak tree as a cudgel. He has never been defeated and maintains his insolent rule on our lands - this cannot stand. My War Chief will have his victory and desires a weapon fit for a king to strike down this final challenger in our lands. 

We come to you, Great Artisan of Oathkeeper and Doombinder, to forge a weapon which harnesses the Torrent of the Coming Storm, the Fury of the War Chief, and the Razor's Edge of the Ice which wracks our Lands. Tulag Kurz the Unscarred, War Chief  of the Nine Clans of Morgoth, Bloodsworn of the Lagetha Crones, and Battle Master of the Frozen Wastes calls on you, Urmon Boulderheart, to forge him a weapon worthy of striking down the great giant slayer himself. We've heard the wonders of the Forge of Spells and our War Chief demands that only an artisan of your talent, could accomplish such a feat.

We have sent thrice wagons of treasures and trinkets in good faith that you will call upon when this weapon is completed. One of our vassals, Ulrigg, son of Korg, son of Baderuk, will wait in your company for this to be completed and to provide you any service you desire. Bestow upon him this great weapon and he will bring it to our War Chief so that he may slay these giants and once and for all claim the Frozen Wastes for the Nine Clans.

Blood and Honor,

Skraelor, Blood Warrior of Tulag Kurz the Unscarred, War Chief  of the Nine Clans of Morgoth, Bloodsworn of the Lagetha Crones, and Battle Master of the Frozen Wastes

The pages in which the letter was tucked between have various sketches of massive great axes and magical runes written into the margins of the page. The general script on the page is written in ancient dwarvish which is legible although overly nonsensical artisan notes. The bulk of the writing appears to be in a shorthand which you can only assume is proprietary to Urmon himself and, without a cipher, is entirely illegible. The date marked into the top margins of the page is within the same year that the Orc hordes and dark sorcerers laid waste to Phandalin. The journal mysteriously ends after that entry and the remainder of the pages are blank, awaiting more of their owner's divinations and creations to be inscribed on their vellum. 

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