Demon's Kiss (Player Post - Olo Silver)

Olo closed the door behind him and then, after a moment of consideration, flipped the latch close to lock the door. It was late in the evening but the chorus laughter and revelry from down below was enough to cause concern. All it took was one wayward wandering soldier to stumble into the room and cause a stir. He listened at the door for any change in the noise - there was none; the revelry continued below. He was new enough to this collection of brave companions that he would not be missed. It wasn't that Olo didn't feel welcomed in the group but he knew they were still hesitant. Their newest arrival, the self-proclaimed inter-planar arbitrator of justice was drawing more of their attention as the vigilante justicar had a knack for dragging them all into trouble. Fortunately Meraki, their slow-moving but quick-witted Loxodon forgemaster had taken it upon himself to take the man in. They shared some commonality which Olo hadn't fully understood. Something about the 'Vigil' and a 'Warden'. It was all nonsense to him but he was just happy that Kaeru could be brought into the fold. He was becoming - reckless.
"Rot in darkness," Olo swore as he recalled his encounter with the succubus. He still believed he could have broke her. Delved out one of her names or monikers - something to exacerbate a bit of control. That had all ended when Kaeru plunged a thorning dagger into her head. It had left them vastly unprepared for the tower beyond. The dark warlock responsible for the atrocities, Arietta Graves, had nearly killed Mazekk, Kaeru, and himself and were it not for the blood bond between the warlock and those spined-monstrosities the creatures would have ripped them to pieces and then only the Gods know what havoc would have been reaved on the region. It concerned Olo, how unprepared the people of the Storm Mountains were of such calamity. There were factions and organizations tasked with investigating and monitoring demonic incursions. The fact that Graves had gotten as close as she did was concerning to say the least.

What interested him though was how she did it? How she, an adept but by no means master practitioner, had managed to get so far. The binding of those demons alone would have been an incredibly complex ritual let alone whatever foul machinations she had to perform to summon the demon master himself. How had she done it? Why had she done it? All these questions remained unanswered. The answers to those questions - lay in a leather pouch on the desk. The bag looked relatively simple. Small black leather bag with red stitching. He had taken it from her, surreptitiously, after driving his rapier deep into her gut. He had taken a quick look inside at the Fist of Scarwood and saw a spellbook, what appeared to be a wand of some kind, and then some minor spell regents. Olo supposed he felt a little bad for the guile and dishonesty; however spellbooks were extremely valuable to wizards and frankly he didn't entirely trust his companions yet to let him prosecute the knowledge in good faith. The last thing he needed was Kaeru trying to burn the blighting thing before he could even read it or Aethulian trying to fence it for a quick gold piece.

He sat down at the table and exhaled. Closing his eyes to center himself. He had to tread carefully. Whatever foul and sinister fiends had called Graves down her dark path would likely try to do the same to him. He needed to remain vigilant - get what he needed from the book and get out. He stopped himself, and then quickly warded the room and himself with a protection spell. The boons those spells had provided him in his last encounter with demons had saved his and Mazekk's lives - it wouldn't pay to be careless now. Happy with the security and foundation of the wards and with one last resolved sniff, he quickly opened the bag and pulled out the spellbook.

It was quite simple. A blackened leather binding with no ornamentation. The pages were old and crinkled, as if bloated from once being wet. He flipped open the book and began to quickly skim through the pages. He frowned at the symbols, their twisting and gnarled serifs completely unreadable. Muttering to himself he waved his hands over the book and cast a quick spell to comprehend infernal. The glyphs and sigils quivered and then warbled into new shapes, becoming elvish words - some he could understand and some just an illegible mess. The spell was never perfect and some iterations of words were written in ciphers which even his magics couldn't decode sensibly. He delved into the book and began to draw in as much information as he could. After nearly thirty minutes of paused and then looked up with a frown - the information all seemed so mundane. There was nothing in there he didn't already know. No forbidden lore or rituals. It was all basic lore and general nonsense. There were some regents he hadn't considered for certain spells but his proxies could have accomplished the same effect; potentially a small enumeration of efficiency but nothing more. Sighing he began to thumb through the book in search of anything of value.
"Disappointed?" a woman's voice purred behind him. Olo yelped and jumped back, falling out of his chair as he clumsily tried to draw his rapier. He fell onto his back as he tried to turn and stared in awe and horror and the female figure lounging on his bed. A tall woman was draped, quite seductively, across his bed. She had pale grey skin, like the slate grey of a stone, and bone white hair. Her eyes were solid black, deep dark pools of black pitch which seemed to draw him in deeper the longer he stared. She was wearing deep red bands of clothes wrapped around her lithe and supple curves in a manner which left little to the imagination. Infernal runes and sigils were tattooed onto her skin in a myriad of complex patterns which seemed almost disappointingly asymmetrical - like they were so close to being perfect but were off in the slightest way which hurt his head to stare at them for too long; confounding his own understanding of reality. Her skin was painted in a darker blood red in some parts, the entire top of her head to part of her shaved scalp covered like a fiendish warpaint. She would have looked human, or at least near human, were it not for the sleek horns jutting from her forehead and wrapping back against her head. She smiled at Olo, biting her lip playfully, and one of her large dark irisless eyes winked.
"Sorry there's nothing else in there - other than me of course," she cooed.


  1. Olo couldn't help smiling at the playful nature the succubus had chosen to take with him. He had seen her kind before, he knew the threat she posed but knowing he had taken orecprecaut couldn't help himself. "Forgive my surprise, it isn't every night that I discover such a vision of beauty in my prove qiarters... Miss .. ?"

  2. The demon rolled her eyes and shifted on the bed, presenting another wide array of vantages to her seductive figure.
    "Careful mortal," she said. "I'm not some harlot succubus you can lay with in exchange for a parlor trick - I'm a little more complicated," she said. She motioned with a finger to the room.
    "Interesting choice of wards? What's the matter. Don't you trust me?" she asked.

    1. Olo let his eyes wash over his guest. After all she was putting on a stimulating show, it would be very rude to not be anything but a perfect attentive audience. " Apologies fair one, you are indeed... Unique ... I ment no offence. But trust is earned not freely given, you learn these things growing up where I have. The wards are a minor precaution that my father taught me. Do you always answer a question with deflection and another question? .... Miss??"

    2. "I have many names - some more important than others. You can call me Petra for now," she said with a wink. "As you said, trust is earned and not freely given". Petra moves off the bed and sway over to the desk. She flips through to book, dark eyes seeming to salaciously ingest the knowledge written on the pages.
      "I seem to have passed to another. A pity, the last one was a lot of fun - though sometimes a bit grave," she mused.

    3. " Well Petra, it was her or me and my companions.... But I digress. What is it that you want from me. Your kind tends to only approach mortals such as myself when you want something or to temp me into damning myself. I assure you I'm not like miss graves with her blood for the blood god act. Make your offer so I can refuse you." Olo sits down on his bed carefully watching Petra trying to appear at ease but with his hand near his rapier and a spell prepared.

    4. As Olo sat he suddenly realized he wasn't sitting on the bed but rather a sheet of rock. As he looked down to study the rock he looked back up quickly at Petra, hands tightening on the hilt of his rapier, and saw that he was now on a rocky crag overlooking a massive mountain range. A hot wind of ash and soot blew, the heat searing his skin slightly and he turned to see a colossal volcano spewing out lashes of red hot lava in steaming gouts. He looked back to Petra and saw her standing there, hand on a hip, and smiling.
      "Like I said Bladesinger, I'm a little more complicated." she said, throwing back her head to let out a rich laugh. Recovering herself, she smiled in an almost hungry manner at Olo.
      "We're connected now - you and I. You've already taken the steps down the path...our path," she said with a grin.

    5. " Connected... Complicated these are words that I'm not sure I want to be hearing. I suggest you give me some details before I put a permanent warding on a steel bound chest place that Grimoire and wand in it and see that it finds it's way to the bottom of the moonsea." " I do not take kindly to outside influences on my way of life." A serious edge creeping into Olo's voice.

    6. "Oh hush," she clucked and glided forward. "Why so serious? You could have much worse companions traveling in that little mind of yours." she said. Petra extended a slender arm and tapped on his forehead with her long and pointed fingernail. It stung a little but it also felt warm and comforting at the same time.
      "Besides, tossing the book and the that what it is now? Ah yes I remember - I digress, tossing those trinkets into the depths of the underdark won't change anything. You and I are together now - all or nothing," she said with a wild look in her eyes.
      "It's not so bad though, I can offer you so much - like this for example," she said and snapped her fingers. Smoke fumed from her fingertips into a shape hovering above her hand. She focused for a second and manipulated the smoke to take form further. It shifted into the form of an older man, half-elf by the looks of him, sitting somewhere. He looked like a rough character but his age was showing - his years of fighting and brawling long past.
      "Recognize him?"

      ((Roll PERCEPTION))

    7. ((Player Rolled 18))

      Olo frowns as the smoke swirls and shifts but as the realization washes over him he feels his stomach drop. That face - those eyes - the crook of the jaw. It all came back to him. A dark night on a farm outside of Neverwinter. His father, yelling at him and his mother to hide inside. Shouting. Screaming. Horses letting out shrieks and wails as they catch fire. The heat against his face, drying his tears to his cheeks as his house burns. The clash of blades. His father's cry of pain...and then that face. This man was the bandit Captain...the one who had killed his father all those years ago. The man that had taken from him everything he'd loved. His entire life, cut away in that moment - all because of this man's greed.

      ((GM Insight Roll: Pass))

      Petra smiles as she sees the realization wash over Olo. Her eyes flicker with the fires of a forgotten tragedy reflecting in the dark pools.
      "Of course you do," she says with a smile. "You could never forget him."

    8. " Name your terms. How will our relationship work?" Olo's voice is full of a cold anger.

    9. "So eager," she said excitedly with a grin and clapped her hands. "You're going to be so much more fun than Graves. I have a gift for you. Like I said, I am so much more than a boring old crossroads demon. I am wonderfully complicated. I take care of my friends - and we're friends now Olo." she said. She waved her hands and the smoke swirled into a vortex through her fingers and into a small plume on the ground. The cloud of smoke began to swirl and twist and bend. Through the thick smoke, Olo could see movement, a shape forming - a figure. The smoke dissapated quickly with a wave of Petra's hand and there was a figure kneeling before him, hunched over himself.

      The man looked up suddenly, those same cold eyes staring up now and fear and confusion.
      "Where - where am I? Who...who...are you?" he stammered. He turned around to see Petra and yelped. He scrabbled forwards on his hands and knees and cried out and when Petra stomped a booted foot down hard on his back. He whimpered and squirmed under the force but was essentially pinned.
      "Mercy...please mercy!" he pleaded. He began to mutter a prayer to Pelor but cried out again as Petra drop her heel deeper into his back.
      "Don't utter that filth here mortal," she fumed. Anger subsiding, she smiled at Olo and motioned to the half-elf.
      "A gift," she said. Olo suddenly felt the weight of his rapier in his hand, a comfortable and foreboding weight. Petra removed her foot and snapped her fingers. The Half-Elf was suddenly pulled backwards and forced to kneel by an unseen force.
      "Please milord...mercy. I've done no wrong," he stammered

    10. Olo holds the tip of the rapier to the man's throat when a thought comes to him... He looks Petra in the eye smirks and asks " Are there many murdering bandit leaders who say prayers to Pelor the god of renewal and healing?..."

    11. "Only the guilty ones," she says with a wink. The half-elf frowns at the exchange and then looks to Olo, eyes feverish.
      "You must have mercy milord. I am but an old man with many sins in my past. I did what I was told. I needed to eat. I had a family to feed." he said desperately

    12. " 29 years ago you attacked a small farm on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, you fought a elf skilled with the blade but also spell he had white hair like this," Olo points to his white shock of hair. " He drove you and your men off..." Olo looks do Petra " Do not speak your sweet words... I want this man to answer my questions!"

    13. "Of course," she purred with a shrug. "He's your gift". With that she waved her hand again and stepped back. The forces holding the man seemed to subside and he gasped and fell to his hands and knees. The man began to sob and quake.
      "I...I...don't remember." he stammered. "Please have mercy".

    14. " I suggest you think real hard and do remember. You life depends on it. Tell me of you life 29 years ago. Or I do what she wants. If you tell me the truth... I will let you live."

    15. The man looks back and forth from Petra to Olo and then sighs.
      "It was Neverwinter. We was just hungry is all. Just tried to take some food from the barn. A man came out. We tried to talk 'im down but he was so mad - and we was hungry. It got...complicated." the man said, lips trembling. Olo suddenly felt Petra hovering near his ear, her breath hot against his neck.
      "A confession," she hisses. "The truth - at last." She ran a hand down his arm and Olo felt the weight of the rapier change in his arm. He looked down and saw that his rapier was gone and a new weapon was in it's place.

      It was a rapier forged of metal as black as an abyss. The long slender haft of the blade seemed to twist and turn but on closer inspection was perfectly straight and razor sharp. The hilt came into a cross guard with black leather wrapped around the grip. A twisting rosette where the cross guard and the haft met was adorned in sigils and runes, similar to those tattooed on Petra's pale skin. Olo waved the blade slightly, testing its weight - a perfect balance.
      "The perfect blade - for my perfect warrior," she whispers. "What was once a wand has become a blade. A weapon of power. What a fitting baptism for a weapon.

      Olo could feel the blade trembling in his grip as if it was hungering for blood.

    16. Forcing the man to look him in the eye. Hearing the man confess and know of the actual location of the farm filled him with rage. But also pity seeing this man before him."Your actions that day made me the man I am today, if it wasn't for you I could of had a much happier life with my family. My mother never would have caught the flux in Neverwinter. I would have never been forced to grow up in the streets alone." Olo steeled him self for what he was about to do. He drove his blade forward into the pathetic man guts.... Not a killing blow, and drew the weapon out slowly. " I know what it is to be hungry. This wound will not kill you if you find help for yourself a cleric should be able to save your life with a simple spell, it will not claim you for days, but I doubt it will heal properly, you will know pain and suffering everytime you consume anything. If I ever see you again I will end your life with this blade." Steadying himself he looks at Petra "There will be many more men and monsters who will taste this steel if I keep it but not someone who made a mistake because they were hungry, even a terrible one like he did." Olo sheaths his new blade " Now take me back to my rooms, and we can further discuss our compact.

    17. Petra scowls at Olo, a cold and seething distaste reflecting in her eyes. She flicks her wrist and the man's head suddenly snaps backwards with a sickening crunch. He falls face down, head twisted unnaturally backwards with his dead eyes staring back at Olo as if begging to question him why. The blood from his open wound spews up and begins to pool around Olo's feet.
      "Weakness," she says and then taps the hilt of the weapon. The blade immediately vaporizes to a course black sand, hilt and all, and collects near his feet.
      "You are not ready for the Tanar'domosh Ulathoal," she says petulantly. "Perhaps another time - when you are ready to pay the price...don't worry, I'll find yours," she says. As Petra speaks Olo's surroundings begin to fade into darkness. The mountains blur and darken. Petra begins to walk backwards, eyes fixed of Olo and a small smirk on her face. The darkness begins to envelope her and a moment later, Olo is plunged into the blackness.

      He awakes on his bed, it appears as if no time has passed whatever, the revelry from downstairs continuing mid-song from where he last remembered. He looks to the table at the contents of the pouch. The book is still there with it's scribbling and incantation but the wand is gone. He searches the room and sees his rapier leaning against the wall. The demon blade, Tanar'domosh Ulathoal is what she had called it, is nowhere to be seen. What just happened? Was it all real? Was that a dream? Did that man actually die? It was not uncommon for even lesser demons or Fae to play mind games even through basic glamours. It could of all been an elaborate dream from a wayward oneiromancer. So many questions and without answers. Just a name - Petra. He sighed and stepped forward, stopping as he felt a squelching beneath his feet. He looked down at his boots and saw something which made his stomach lurch - bloody footprints marking his path across the room.

      END POST

      - 50 XP for Olo Silver
      - Arietta Graves Spellbook


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